Influence of Heredity and Environment

Heredity: - Traits, characteristic factors which are genetically transmitted from parent to child are called heredity.

Environment: - Our environment which directly and indirectly affects our life. For Example: - family, friends, relatives, culture and neighbors.

Heredity and Environment of child

1. Heredity determines the sex of the child

As there are sperm and egg have 23 pairs of chromosomes. The first twenty-two pairs of chromosomes are called autosomes. Autosomes are responsible for deciding and determining the growth and development of the body.

2. Heredity is directly related to physical development

Genetic differences shape physical development. For example:- Some children have blue eyes and some have brown and black eyes. In another way hair color skin, face shape- round and oval.

3. Heredity is not a major contributor to the birth of twins

The intelligences of identical twins raised together also show considerable similarity among the approximately 0.90 twins separated in childhood.
In their intelligence, personality and behavioral characteristics. Identical twins raised in separate environments are about 0.72 correlated, fraternal twins raised together are about 0.60 correlated and siblings raised together are about 0.50 correlated, while siblings raised together are about 0.50 correlated. Is correlated to about 0.25.

4. Heredity is related to individual differences

Each person has their own (unique) tone code, speech power, speech modulation, eye shape, nose shape, skin and hair texture, each aspect making one person different from the other.

5. Insight into the influence of heredity and environment in a person's life

Heredity and environment play an important role in a person's life. Children are usually very similar to their parents or ancestors. But there are many cases where children do not resemble their parents. Like heredity it is said that leaders are born, not even made vice versa.

Nature of Heredity

  • Body - shape, appearance, skin color, eyes and body shape.
  • Psychological - IQ, mental traits and instincts.

Laws of Heredity
  • Law of Variation
  • Law of regression
  • Law of transmission of acquired traits
  • Rule of Domination
  • Law of Segregation

Heredity: Genes and Behavior: -

We inherit characteristics from our parents in the form of genes. At birth a child has a unique combination of genes inherited from both parents. It provides a biological sketch of the development of an inherited individual. The study of inheritance of physical and psychological characteristics from ancestors is known as genetics. The child lives as a single zygote cell (the mother's ovum fertilized by the father's sperm). A zygote is a small cell with chromosomes in its center.

Chromosomes: -
These are the genetic elements of the body. They are a thread-like structure in the nucleus of the cell. The number of chromosomes per nucleus is specific and constant for each living organism, with the gamete (sperm and ovum) having 23 chromosomes but not in pair. A new generation arises from the fusion of a sperm cell and an egg cell. At conception, the organism inherits 46 chromosomes, 23 from the mother and 23 from the father. Each of these chromosomes contains thousands of genes. Chromosomes are mainly composed of a substance called deoxyribonucleic acid DNA, our genes are mainly made up of DNA molecules.

Human chromosomes


Each chromosome stores thousands of these genes. Genes give orders as instructions for the production of specific proteins, which control the physiological processes of the body and the expression of phenotypic fruit traits. A gene can exist in different forms. Changes of several are called genes from one to another. To understand the impact of environment in our daily life, we will study Bronfenbrenner's model:-
Urie Bronfenbrenner has emphasized the role of environmental factors in the development of the individual. The model has five systems:-

Microsystem: - is the immediate environment in which a person lives. For example, the child interacts directly with the social agents – family, peers and teachers.

Mesosystem: - It includes the culture in which the child lives.

Chronology: - It includes the events in a person's life sequence and the socio-historical circumstances of that time such as parental divorce, regular fights between parents. All of these play a major role in the heredity of the child and the influence of the environment. Since heredity is an intrinsic factor to determine the development of the child. And the environment is the development of the child, both go hand in hand to determine the growth and development of the child. It includes the events of the individual's life and the socio-historical circumstances of the time such as parental divorce, regular fighting between parents all this drama.