Concept of Development and its Relationship with Learning

The concept of development and its relationship with learning are closely intertwined. Facilitating the development, and learning can also be influenced by the individual's stage of development. For example, children's cognitive abilities and learning styles change as they grow older. Infants and young children learn primarily through exploration and sensory experiences, while older children and adolescents rely more on reasoning, problem-solving, and abstract thinking.

In this article, I've defined the concept of development and it's relation to learning.

Human development 

What is Development?

Development is a process that combines growth, maturity and learning. Its common psychological concept refers to changes that occur between pregnancy and death in humans or animals. It is a process in which a person becomes and changes from dependence to self-control. These changes come in the form of systematic and permanent relatives.

Development refers to both quantitative and qualitative changes. It includes changes not only in structure but also in function.

According to Heinz Werner:- Development consists of two processes of integration and division”

Ø Highlights of Development

Development is a systematic process of following a particular sequence.

Stages of human development

Childhood - Young Child - Latest Child - Adolescents - Maturity

  • Development refers to both quantitative and qualitative
  • It is possible to predict growth rate by seeing a slow learner and an older child, but it cannot be accurately predicted.
  • Growth can be defined as one part of development, and development is associated with a complete change in human development.
  • Development can take place without growth.
  • Human development at different rates. Each difference can be caused by genetic differences, characteristics, and environmental influences.

Principles of development

  • Continuity
  • Individual diversity
  • Uniform pattern
  • Development processing from normal to direct
  • Growth and development rates is not same


Human’s development can be divided into the following domains:-

  • Physical domain 
  •  Moral domain
  •  Personal domain
  •  Cognitive domain
  • Language domain
  •  Social and Emotional domain

1.    Physical domain

This domain is related to the development of features of the human body. It is associated with quantitative changes taking place in the body. This development is also called maturity.

Physical domain includes

·        Gross - motor development:- Legs and Arms
·        Fine - motor development:- Hands and Fingers
·        Sensory - motor development:- Vision, Touch and Smell
·        Cephalo - caudel development:- 
 Where growth occurs from head to toe. As the baby grows older, he begins to control his head, arms, and legs.

·        Proximo-distal development:- When development begins in the middle and extends to the edges. Therefore, the spine grows before other parts of the body.

 2.     Cognitive domain

This domain is related to human intelligence. The ability to think and analyze is known as the perception and development of these skills is known as cognitive development.

3.     Social and Emotional domain

"Social development means acquiring the ability to have it in line with community expectations."

Social - This site reflects social development among children. Children develop social skills such as sharing, teamwork, and patience in their interactions with peers and others.

Emotional – This refers to the ability to control and manage one's emotions. Emotional development as it grows with reference to public health.

 4.     Moral domain

This children's background develops moral attitudes, morals, attitudes and appropriate behavior of other people in the community. Children are not able to make moral decisions until they reach a certain level of mental development.

According to Piaget, a child is a person who builds his or her own worldview of morality and develops ideas of right and wrong. He believed that children made a moral decision based on their own exploration of the world.

According to Kohlberg, Divided development into three levels.

  • Pre – conventional
  •  Conventional
  • Post - convention

 5.     Language domain

 Language is an important means of communication. In this domain, communication uses words and symbols to express thoughts, feelings and desires.

6.     Personal domain

 Everyone has a different way of developing under this domain, We explore how each person changes the personality of each individual.

Factors Affecting of Development

Following are some important factors that affect of development.

·        Genetic
·        Nutritional
·        Environmental
·        Sex
·        Early stimulation
Nurturing practice



 “Learning involves acquiring habits, knowledge, and attitudes.”


"Learning is a slow process where one will make a lot of effort to learn."


The relationship between Learning and Development

It is important to understand the relationship between development and learning.

  • Some believe that learning leads to growth and leads to learning (Piaget).
  • Learning to wake up to the development process through social interaction with peers and teachers in a way that does not happen when a child in isolation.
  • A safe environment is essential for development and learning. Children need to feel free to express themselves. It is the responsibility of the school, home and community to provide a safe and secure environment for children. This helps to learn and develop his mental and behavioral skills to adjust or live his life
  • Early growth is very important for development and learning.
  • The type of experience a child goes through when they are young has a huge impact on their later life regardless of whether the experience is good or bad, what happens in childhood affects both learning and development 

The concept of development and its relationship with learning are complex and multifaceted. Learning is a critical component of development, as it provides individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate their environments and engage in meaningful activities. Moreover, the quality and quantity of learning experiences can impact a child's development, while development can also influence the individual's ability to process and retain new information. Therefore, understanding the relationship between development and learning is crucial for supporting optimal development and learning outcomes