Concept of Child – Centered and Progressive Education

Child – Centered and Progressive Education

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean Jacques Rousseau is known as the father of early childhood education. His educational approach led to the emergence of early childhood education with a child-centered approach. All children have the right to an education that helps them grow and develop to the fullest, a fundamental fact that serves at the core of the concept of child-centered education. It is true that children are active participants in their education and development. This means that they must be mentally involved and they must be physically active in learning what they need to know and do- all great education believes in the basic goodness of children; The teacher has to provide an environment for this good to manifest itself. The basic tenet of child-centered education is to enable optimum development of a child's personality and potential - along with the needs of his individual needs.
Student-centered learning shifts the focus from teacher to student. It encourages active participation on the part of students and requires that they monitor their thinking.

Child Centered
Child Centered

There are several ways child-centered learning can be incorporated into the classroom: -

  1. Use the open-ended questioning technique, this exercise encourages critical and creative thinking and enhances problem-solving skills.
  2. Incorporate more indirect and engaging methods of instruction that draw students directly to the center of the lessons. In this way the student becomes an active participant in what is happening.
  3. Encourage student collaboration and group projects when students work with each other they are learning much more than just the lesson material. They are both capable of doing things i.e. ways to express their views and listen to others as well.
  4. Create assignments based on individual differences, not all students work at the same pace and assignments and class activities should reflect this. Allowing students to move through the material at a rate that best suits their learning style. This makes it more likely that they will gain a more in-depth understanding of concepts

Characteristics of a child centered classroom

  1. Emphasis on deep learning and understanding.
  2. Increased responsibility and accountability of students.
  3. Increased sense of autonomy in the learners.
  4. An interdependence between teacher and learner.
  5. A self-reflective approach to the teaching and learning process on the part of the teacher and the learner.

Child Centered Education
Child Centered Education

Progressive Education

The term 'progressive education' has been described in terms of ideas and practices aimed at making schools a more effective organization – the Progressive Education Association was founded in 1919. It aims to 'improve America's entire school system'. It is a reaction to the traditional style of teaching. It is an educational system that allows flexibility in learning processes based on activities determined by the needs and abilities of the individual child, with the aim of integrating academic with social development. The elements of progressive education have been called 'child-centered' and social reconstruction approach.

Progressive Education
Progressive Education

Progressive learning exercises

  1. What children are interested in and that is child-centered greatly influences its curriculum.
  2. Learning is experimental and the emphasis is on process rather than product.
  3. Assessment is authentic and holistic children are known to their teachers.
  4. Children are able to work at their place.
  5. Progressive education practices a developmental approach that recognizes that each child is unique.

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